Medical Team

Monika Jaquenod-Linder, MD

Specialist FMH in Anaesthesiology, Pain Therapy (SGSS)

Doctor Monika Jaquenod-Linder became increasingly interested in pain therapy after completing her specialist degree in anaesthesiology. She was subsequently sent by the University Hospital Zurich to the world’s most renowned pain clinic at the Royal North Shore Hospital in Sydney, Australia, under Prof. Michael Cousins, for in-depth training and research. She then returned to the University Hospital Zurich and developed and managed the pain outpatient clinic for 12 years. She organised the interdisciplinary pain consultation and cared for acute and chronic pain patients with her staff throughout the university hospital. In 2008, she joined the team of the Spine & Pain Clinic (WSC) at the Hirslanden Clinic as a pain specialist, where she cares for complex post-operative patients and chronic pain patients with her many years of expertise and the good interdisciplinary exchange with the specialist colleagues of the Spine & Pain Clinic. As an expert, she is a sought-after speaker at many medical congresses. Her interest in and commitment to pain patients is unbroken: “I have the most exciting job anyone could wish for!”

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Education and career

As of August 2009
Spine & Pain Clinic Zurich, Hirslanden Clinic
Since 2008
Lecturer multidisciplinary pain course SGSS
Since 1998
Regular lecturing at congresses for doctors and nursing staff
As of 2009
Consultant physician Onkoplus and specialist unit for palliative care in the city of Zurich
1998 - 2008
Head of the outpatient pain clinic at the University Hospital Zurich, collaboration in setting up the palliative care unit at the University Hospital Zurich, consultant physician for the palliative care unit in radiooncology and gynaecology.
1997 - 2009
University Hospital Zurich, Institute of Anaesthesiology, Senior Physician
1995 - 1996
National Fund Scholarship, University of Sydney, Anesthesia and Pain Management. Research and clinical activity in pain management
FMH for Anesthesiology
1993 - 1994
University Hospital Zurich, Institute of Anaesthesiology
REGA Kloten
1990 - 1992
Winterthur Cantonal Hospital, Anaesthesiology
1989 - 1990
City Hospital Waid, Surgery
State Examination University of Zurich
